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Courses for corporations | Azzuan Business solutions beauté bien-être professionnels traitements sportifs santé des enfants périnatalité douleurs entreprises bien-être soins collaboratifs Icône pour Facebook Icône pour Instagram Icône pour Linkedin Icône pour Youtube

Details on training content

Both are currently taking place remotely via the web (camera required). The theory is the same in both cases. The conferences are more limited considering their shorter duration. They cannot go as far in practice, but still include some interactions with the participants. Companies that have limited budget and available time prefer this option.

If you want to increase the integration of concepts and day-to-day application for topics that are key to your business, group workshops are the option for you:

  • 4 one-hour workshops spread over a period of approximately 2 months;
  • A sequence of theory, exchanges and practical exercises;
  • The coach’s experience allows the use of participants' questions and thoughts to give concrete examples of how to find and address the source of their problems;
  • Content that goes in depth, in a relaxed atmosphere, which makes the experience very pleasant;
  • Concepts to be applied between workshops in order to improve and implement new habits;
  • A questionnaire can be sent at the start and at the end of the coaching, to assess the improvement on the course subject.

Here is a summary of the topics covered:

  • Understand the theory on the mechanisms of stress;
  • Identify your personal stressors;
  • Stress management tools;
  • Transform your stress in a positive way;
  • Train yourself to stop reacting to stressors;
  • Long-lasting application: Integration on a daily basis.

Here is a summary of the topics covered:

  • Full ownership of their interactions;
  • Simple and effective tools to communicate (even with the most difficult people);
  • More fulfilling work relationships;
  • Optimized teamwork;
  • Better use of individual skills.

Returning to the office is likely to be an interesting challenge. It will involve managing states of mind that have been polarized from the start of this crisis: Fear of illness, frustration with measures, difficulty in returning to a new routine, etc. Managers must be well equipped in order to be able to offer all the necessary support to their teams. Here is a summary of the topics covered:

  • Self-awareness;
  • Awareness of their limits;
  • The importance of communication;
  • The reality of their employees or superiors and their motivations;
  • The broader framework in which the company and individuals operate.